儿童 Children




  • 3-5岁 (认真小玩家)
  • 6-8岁 (资深探险家)
  • 9-12岁 (云端漫步车)

儿童崇拜时间为每周日10:00am-11:30am,在后堂可爱的小砖房里(piggy house)。



Jesus loves every child.

Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ (Matthew 19:14)

As followers of Jesus Christ, we welcome every kid and their families to join us. We specially have children worship session every Sunday, including musical worship, group study and activities based on different ages. They will learn more about Jesus and God experiencing God’s love and grace together so we learn to build real, peaceful and friendly relationship with God and people.

